Andrew King, owner of Hundredfold, featured in Chronicles of Philanthropy
for helping not-for-profits get maximum ERC return!

Employee Retention

Tax Credit

Your business was disrupted during the pandemic.
Let us help you get what the IRS owes you.
Hundredfold Consulting has Served


in Total Tax Credits

organizations helped

in refunds

Why Us?

Our company solely focuses on getting the ERC refund for small businesses and non-profits. That's why we started this business.
We offer the best fees in the market and we don’t get paid before you do.
With each new iteration that Congress changes to the ERC, we are on top of how those adjustments impact you.
We are not a large corporate entity. Call us, and we will answer the phone, and all of your questions.

NEW IRS Issued ERC guidance

The ERC is complicated. And when things are complicated people take advantage of the system, creating confusion and breaking trust for everyone. At Hundredfold we want to help you with the complicated and build trust. That is why, unlike the scams, we DO NOT accept any payment until you receive a check from the IRS. We do work without getting paid up front. Yes, it's a risk. But the bigger risk is breaking your trust. Want to learn more about our services—schedule a consultation today.

What is it?

One of two large government stimulus programs
The Employee Retention Tax Credit was authorized under the CARES Act of 2020 and encourages businesses to keep employees on payroll. There are two ways to be eligible to receive the ERC. Contact us today to see if your business could qualify for up to $26,000 per employee through the ERC.
Did you receive a PPP loan?

No problem. While originally organizations who received PPP weren’t eligible for the ERC, Congress changed that law in 2021. Now PPP recipients can also receive the ERC. Contact us today to learn how these programs work together.
Did you have a decline in revenue?

One of the two ways businesses are eligible for the ERC is if they had a decline in revenue in 2020 and 2021. Contact us today if your businesses’ decline in revenue could benefit your company by receiving the ERC.
Were your business operations affected by government orders?

With all of the regulations that federal, state and local officials dictated to organizations throughout the pandemic, the IRS wants to compensate you for the adjustments you made.


Needed money returned to small businesses and non-profits

90 employee restaurant group

This company was impacted by decline in revenue and capacity restrictions on indoor seating and is claiming a $575,000 refund through the ERC. Their plan is to start a new restaurant with the money.

10 employee doctor's office

Their office was hit by a decline in revenue and supplier shutdowns during the pandemic. They will receive a $100,000 refund through the ERC, and use it to provide bonuses and raises for staff.